You’ve probably seen the classic Halloween costume where the husband is the hunter and the wife is the deer. It’s always a big hit because your hubby’s never opposed to dressing in camo!

And since he already owns everything he needs to be the hunter, you’re at least 50% of the way there. Just put on some brown clothes or faux fur, get yourself a pair of antlers, apply your deer makeup (using a tutorial video if needed), and you’re all set!
But what about the kids?
Here are some fun DIY hunting and fishing costumes that the whole family can appreciate!
And be sure to check out the last photo!
It’s another husband and wife costume combo that’s sure to get a big laugh!
Deer Strapped on a Car

How cute is this? Any Power Wheels would work here, or if you have an older kid, you can put their animal in a wagon as the deer cart.
Duck Hunter

This kid is a serious hunter! Check out the camo tape strapping the grass to the boat. It’s perfect!
Bucket of Worms

This is so creative! We’ve all seen kids dressed as a fisherman or a fish, but who would’ve thought to be the bucket of worms?
Duck Boat

Wow! This one is so good that it would be a shame to only use it on Halloween. And the box fan? Genius!
S’mores Family

Hey, as a hunting and fishing wife, I’m looking for every opportunity I can to incorporate a campfire and s’mores into our adventures! This is Hunt & Fish Wife approved!
Hunters and Their Prey

Oh, yes! Let’s get the whole family in on the action. With the proud, hardcore hunters and the dainty, graceful prey, everyone is happy!
Spinner Bait

How good is this one? There’s no question it’s a spinner bait, and it doesn’t look too hard to create!
Deer Mount

Now this is the clear winner! With the trophy photo and the Deer Hunting for Dummies books on the mantle, it doesn’t get any better than this, right?
Two Fisherman in a Boat

Come on! You have to appreciate that Jon Boat. And those kids are simply adorable in their little fishing vests and wide-brim hats.
Deer in the Headlights

Okay, so this last one isn’t exactly hunting and fishing per se, but with camo, a deer, and a hunter + hunting wife combo, it definitely counts in our book!
Which one is your favorite? Comment below!
Have you created a hunting or fishing costume? Let’s see it! Share your pics at our Content Contributor page.
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Janell · October 29, 2022 at 5:00 pm
I love them all! Spinner bait is really cool!
Jenny Hartsock · October 31, 2022 at 11:57 pm
Dear strapped on a car is hysterical!